Monday, August 4, 2008

Back acne treatment pills and how can you clear up acne

Some of the solutions you will find on the market for natural remedies is something known as Tea Tree Oil, which releases the pores to allow your skin to breath effectively. Other sources would be Aloe Vera, Zinc and even Vitamin A. All of these have had great success with curing and treating acne. All with zero side effects.
Accutane requires a prescription. It's an effective acne treatment but it has known side effects. One common side effect of accutane is dryness in the mouth. If you have severe acne, accutane is often used as a last resort.
Secondly you can naturally cleanse your skin by using steam. Just boil a kettle of water pour it in the sink then put your face near the water and place a towel over your head and this will open your pores so that you can cleanse. When you are done just splash with cold water and pat your face dry.
tags: removing acne scars laser treatment, how to control acne while pregnant, how to cure acne through diet

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