Saturday, September 27, 2008

How much iodine causes acne

« ...Another thing is that some acne alternative products containing the same basic ingredients vary greatly in price. Find out what kind of active ingredients the products are made with and try the less expensive versions of them before you pay for the more costly ones....
...One of the most effective treatments is laser resurfacing. It has been in use since years for removing or minimizing the acne scars. All laser used in this treatment has the high-energy ray of light, which targets particular structures inside the skin. It resurfaces the skin, which directly means that it demolishes the outer layer of the affected skin and makes it smoother than ever before. Ablative techniques undoubtedly are effective ones but they are not very much popular because the recovery time that is needed is very long. Talk to doctor in detail before you go for any laser treatment for any type of skin diseases....»
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«...Certain kinds of foods can trigger the growth of acne causing bacteria. A diet that is rich in processed foods and junk foods can often be responsible for making acne worse. Many acne sufferers have reported that by simply eating more natural foods including more fruits and vegetables their acne condition improved greatly. Drinking enough water is important to help maintain healthy skin however ideally the majority of water for your body should come from the foods you eat especially from water rich foods like most fruits and vegetables....»
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tags: skin peel on acne porn skin, adult cystic acne, adult acne skin care

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